This is a story about our little prince, "Jonathan Wang Jian", a handsome little boy, who lives far away in Inner Mongolia, China; bordering the mountains, grasslands and the Gobi desert. It is a story of a young boy, who plays and lives amongst his friends and nannies...........................the only family he has ever known. This is a story of a sweet, intelligent boy, born with bilateral foot differences.....yet determined to walk and run.......his little feet likely the reason he was orphaned. This story includes the sad reality that in many countries, birth families are frequently unable to provide the medical and rehabilitative care thier babies will need to lead independent lives. This is our heartfelt compassion for the selfless birth parents, who face the greatest pain they will ever know........ to relinquish themselves as parents so their tiny babies can get the desperate care they need. These are our unspoken prayers to every birth family who aches. ...... And this is a story of our brave little " Mongolian Warrior Prince", who leaves his own set of unique footprints............ just beyond the Great Wall.

Dear Little Jonathan Wang Jian, we dream of the day we can hold you in our arms and call you our forever son. By the grace of God, you will soon know what it means to have a family of your very own.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Mother's Day

For Mothers Day we went to the zoo.  It was a hot, steamy, rainy day.  The kind of day when the rain comes down in buckets, but it feels like bath water..... when you walk around sweltering in clothes that stay wet in all the wrong places and your shoes are so wet, they squeak.  It was fun to see the animals, but I was very aware that the newly adopted kids in our group just had to be in sensory overload.  Wang Jian had fun and accepted the stroller rental in spite of the others walking.

Towards the end of our zoo tour, Wang Jian had a total melt down.  It was extremely difficult to keep him in the stroller due to the kicking and screaming, yet we felt we had to get back to the bus before someone called the police.  Carrying him was equally tough due to Wang Jian's squirming, kicking and hitting.  After a good 20-30 minutes of this, while the group was trying to get the gate, I decided we should put him down and let him scream and cry on the pavement.  All I could do was sit along side of him and say "Wo Zhi Dao", "Wo Zhi Dao" ("I understand" "I understand").

Steve and both know the melt down was a release of Wang  Jian's grief.  Poor Wang Jian carried on for a good hour.  We somehow, managed to get him on the bus, but he refused to sit on a seat.  Instead, he threw himself on the floor and cried himself to sleep.  When the bus arrived at the hotel, he awoke repeating the screaming and kicking all the way through the lobby and up the elevator, and into the room.  I was finally able to coax him into the bath after another half an hour of heartbreaking cries for his foster mama.

At the end of this Mothers Day, I cannot help to reflect upon the strength and courage it takes to be a mother.  I think of the pain and suffering Wang Jian's foster mother faces; missing his bright little smile and sweet little heart.  I cannot begin to imagine the sorrow his birth mother has endured after the realization that she could not provide the care his feet would need.

 On this Mothers Day, I think of so many friends, who will one day lose their own children to cruel diseases we have not yet found a cure for. Yet, they press on........doing what moms do best, loving unconditionally and without fear, being their child's strongest advocate, and walking beside their child every step of the journey.  I think of the moms who have children with "special needs", no matter how significant or insignificant the need is; they befriend their children...they teach.......they lead.....they speak out....they listen.....they whisper......they encourage......they guide......they cry....... and they pray for strength and the courage to do it again tomorrow.

 I also think of my own mom, the pillar of strength and bravery.  She is my prayer warrior and model of selflessness......she is who I should strive to be.

1 comment:

  1. Donna, Thinking about you and Wang Jian.
    You are all very brave indeed.
